- name
- Aidan Feldman
- description
- Web developer by day, dancer by night.
- url
- https://api.afeld.me
- email
- aidan.feldman@gmail.com
- location
- city
- Brooklyn
- state
- NY
- country
- US
- education
- school
- University of Michigan
- location
- city
- Ann Arbor
- state
- MI
- country
- US
- start_date
- 2005-08
- end_date
- 2010-08
- degrees
- title
- major
- Computer Science Engineering
- title
- major
- Dance
- school
- Oak Park and River Forest High School
- location
- city
- Oak Park
- state
- IL
- country
- US
- start_date
- 2001-08
- end_date
- 2005-06
- experience
- coding
- organization
- url
- https://phndc.org/
- title
- Technology Committee Chair
- description
- Leading a group within the Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council that works to identify opportunities for improving the functioning of the non-profit through process design and use of technology.
- start_date
- 2023-01
- end_date
- hours
- 1
- employees
- 0
- skills
- Airtable
- community organizing
- IT policy
- management
- organization
- self-employed
- url
- https://blog.afeld.me/know-any-teams-who-could-use-my-help-87a4247c51c1
- title
- Freelance technologist
- description
- Helping government and non-profit teams improve their technology and processes.
- start_date
- 2021-12-30
- end_date
- hours
- 20
- employees
- 0
- skills
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Azure DevOps
- Django
- Docker
- Git
- GitHub
- Heroku
- JavaScript
- Microsoft Azure
- Python
- Scrapy
- Snowflake
- responsibilities
- group
- VoteAmerica
- title
- description
- Expanded integrations between the voting registration tools, states, and schools. Also helped document systems and practices internally, while cleaning up unused code and applications.
- url
- https://www.voteamerica.com/
- group
- Cal-ITP
- title
- description
- Helped streamline the process for transit riders in California to qualify for and receive discounts. Worked on indentity verfication, integrations, infrastructure, security, and privacy.
- url
- https://www.calitp.org/
- group
- Reinvent Albany
- title
- description
- Have done a couple projects: one crawing the Empire State Development website to identify tables trapped in PDFs that should be released as machine-readable open data, the other pulling and preparing New York Senate bill and resolution data for analysis of changes in throughput.
- url
- https://reinventalbany.org/
- group
- Colorado Behavioral Health Administration
- title
- description
- Improving DevOps and DataOps processes around the agency's data warehouse. Working through the Colorado Digital Service (CDS).
- url
- https://oit.colorado.gov/colorado-digital-service
- organization
- Technology Transformation Services (TTS)
- url
- https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/organization/federal-acquisition-service/technology-transformation-services
- title
- Technology Director
- description
- GS-15. Supervisory Information Technology (IT) Specialist in Information Security (INFOSEC). Led the Technology Portfolio, a team within the General Services Administration (GSA) that oversaw, managed, and coordinated everything technology-related that cut across TTS, as well as anything technology-related that would affect TTS from the outside. Particular focus on security, compliance, infrastructure, and tech policy.
- start_date
- 2019-07-07
- end_date
- 2021-10-01
- hours
- 40
- employees
- 11500
- skills
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Docker
- Git
- GitHub
- IT policy
- JavaScript
- security compliance
- responsibilities
- group
- FAS Systems Governance Committee (FSGC)
- title
- Voting Member
- description
- Helped decide on and steer budgets for IT projects in the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS). Drove the Committee from accepting multi-million-dollar budget requests to a phased funding process that encourages agile practices of being user-centered and delivering value quickly.
- url
- https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/organization/federal-acquisition-service
- group
- Mac Working Group
- title
- description
- Served as a primary stakeholder representing 400 Mac users across the agency, advocating for the workstation needs of technical team members.
- url
- group
- title
- Authorizing Official
- description
- Was responsible for the security risk of ten systems across TTS, including cross-agency platforms like data.gov, Federalist, and search.gov.
- url
- organization
- Upsolve
- url
- https://upsolve.org/
- title
- Freelancer
- description
- Improved development workflows and backend features of the site that helps people file for bankruptcy.
- start_date
- 2019-06-10
- end_date
- 2019-11-04
- hours
- 8
- employees
- 8
- skills
- Git
- GitHub
- JavaScript
- Docker
- organization
- Brooklyn Rail
- url
- https://brooklynrail.org/
- title
- Advisory Board Member
- description
- Helped improve the infrastructure, workflow, and software use of this non-profit arts publication.
- start_date
- 2019-01-07
- end_date
- 2020-02-24
- hours
- 5
- employees
- 12
- skills
- organization
- xD
- url
- https://www.xd.gov/
- title
- Data Engineer
- description
- GS-15. Helped to "build experimental data products for the public good" with federal agencies from this startup within the Census Bureau. Worked with the CTO and Standards Working Group on a Bureau-wide Open Source Policy and various software approvals and process changes.
- start_date
- 2018-09-02
- end_date
- 2019-07-06
- hours
- 40
- employees
- 4300
- skills
- Git
- GitHub
- IT policy
- Python
- security compliance
- responsibilities
- group
- Recalls
- title
- description
- Worked with regulatory agencies and large companies to improve the quality, consistency, and delivery of federal recall data through their APIs.
- url
- https://www.usa.gov/recalls
- group
- Census Self-Response Red Team
- title
- description
- To test the fraud / suspicious response detection systems for the 2020 Census, helped develop various scenarios and then create synthetic data to represent them.
- url
- https://fedtechmagazine.com/article/2019/03/census-bureau-boosts-cybersecurity-efforts-ahead-2020-count
- group
- FISMAtic
- title
- description
- Led a project to reduce the amount of time spent authoring, reviewing, and editing the security compliance documentation leading up to an Authority to Operate (ATO).
- url
- https://github.com/uscensusbureau/fismatic
- organization
- NYC Planning Labs
- url
- https://planninglabs.nyc
- title
- Consultant
- description
- Helped the Labs group within New York City's Department of City Planning improve their DevSecOps practices.
- start_date
- 2018-06
- end_date
- 2018-08
- hours
- 10
- employees
- 325
- skills
- Ansible
- DigitalOcean
- Docker
- Git
- GitHub
- JavaScript
- security compliance
- teaching
- responsibilities
- group
- title
- Discovery
- description
- Helped the team identify security threats andconcerns around their software development, deployment, and operation. We then looked at the underlying problems and possible solutions for each. Tasks were then prioritized based on the ranking of the corresponding concern.
- url
- https://medium.com/nycplanninglabs/devops-and-security-on-a-small-team-8709cfc5b0aa
- group
- title
- Infrastructure as code
- description
- Automated the hardening and configuration of their servers, while finding ways to minimize the operational burden.
- url
- https://github.com/NYCPlanning/labs-infrastructure
- organization
- 18F
- url
- https://18f.gsa.gov
- title
- Innovation Specialist
- description
- GS-15. Was a federal employee in the General Services Administration (GSA), working with internal and external government agency partners to modernize technology practices through multiple engagements. Served as a subject matter expert in development of custom web applications, DevSecOps, ATOs, and open source. Participated and led multiple user research sessions.
- start_date
- 2014-10-20
- end_date
- 2018-09-01
- hours
- 40
- employees
- 11500
- skills
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Ansible
- Docker
- Git
- GitHub
- Go
- IT policy
- JavaScript
- Jekyll
- Jenkins
- management
- Packer
- PostgreSQL
- public speaking
- Python
- React
- Ruby on Rails
- Ruby
- security compliance
- teaching
- Terraform
- responsibilities
- group
- eQIP
- title
- Frontend Lead
- description
- Rebuilt the extensive form used for federal employment and contracting background investigations.
- url
- https://github.com/18F/e-QIP-prototype
- group
- DevSecOps Working Group
- title
- Technical Lead
- description
- Helped GSA systems migrate to the cloud by developing reusable components and processes around logging, monitoring, deployment, operating system hardening, automated testing, etc. This helped systems to incorporate operational best practices, while streamlining their security assessments. Helped build the DevSecOps-driven GRACE infrastucture-as-a-service (IaaS) platform through hybrid cloud + on-premise network design and infrastructure as code.
- url
- https://tech.gsa.gov/guides/dev_sec_ops_guide/
- group
- CIO Liaison
- title
- description
- Worked with GSA's Office of the Chief Information Officer to ensure 18F got the support it needed for its business while maintaining compliance. Regularly engaged with the GSA Security team and other stakeholders to find compromise between security, compliance, and operational efficiency. Helped create the FedRAMP Tailored baseline to make it easier for tech companies to work with government.
- url
- group
- Project Boise
- title
- Project Lead
- description
- Led a team to research software security compliance (Authority to Operate, or ATO) processes across the federal government, to understand how they vary across agencies, and how they could be streamlined. Managed budget of $165,000, staff, and project direction, while interacting with Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), the Nation Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), vendors, the White House, and more.
- url
- https://boise.18f.gov
- group
- ATO Sprinting/Streamlining Team
- title
- description
- Helped 18F projects achieve FISMA compliance by writing documentation and providing hands-on assistance with improving their application security and completing compliance documentation, while ensuring DevSecOps best practices. We were able to reduce the time to ATO from six months to one.
- url
- https://before-you-ship.18f.gov
- group
- cloud.gov
- title
- description
- Helped build a Platform as a Service for the federal government, specifically focusing on reducing friction to adoption. Wrote user documentation, built services, and provided training.
- url
- https://cloud.gov
- group
- OpenControl / Compliance Masonry
- title
- description
- Helped create tooling and community around improving the security compliance process by encouraging structured compliance data, reuse, and automation.
- url
- http://open-control.org
- group
- C2
- title
- Technical Lead
- description
- Built a business process automation tool for streamlining purchase approvals, while providing better auditing capabilities.
- url
- https://github.com/18F/C2
- group
- title
- Engineering Facilitator
- description
- Supervised a team of engineers, providing mentorship, soliciting peer reviews, mediating conflicts, etc.
- url
- organization
- GitHub
- url
- https://education.github.com
- title
- Education Hacker
- description
- Company building tools for software development workflows. Worked to understand students' and teachers' obstacles to using professional software development practices in their classes, and conducted trainings on collaborative coding internationally. Was responsible for the system accepting and processing educational user upgrades, as well as determining best practices for classroom workflows.
- start_date
- 2013-08
- end_date
- 2014-06
- hours
- 40
- employees
- 300
- skills
- Git
- GitHub
- Heroku
- JavaScript
- Jekyll
- jQuery
- public speaking
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- teaching
- organization
- Artsy
- url
- https://www.artsy.net/
- title
- Software Engineer (Contract)
- description
- Online fine art marketplace. Full-stack web development on the site and APIs, as well as building an open source business statistics reporting framework.
- start_date
- 2013-05
- end_date
- 2013-08
- hours
- 40
- employees
- 70
- skills
- Backbone.js
- Git
- GitHub
- Heroku
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- organization
- Jux
- url
- title
- Senior Web Developer
- description
- As the only full-stack web developer at the small (now defunct) blogging startup, touched all pieces of the application, including social features and integrations of the site, layout templating, navigation, the image processing pipeline, and much of the API, as well as helping guide vision for the product.
- start_date
- 2011-01
- end_date
- 2013-05
- hours
- 40
- employees
- 5
- skills
- Backbone.js
- Git
- GitHub
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- MongoDB
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- organization
- Open source contribution
- url
- https://bigquery.cloud.google.com/savedquery/197011051441:4bf2e709159e4256803f2f3637e30ef1
- title
- description
- Have contributed to many open source projects, including Ansible, Backbone.js, Canvas LMS, Cloud Foundry, ConcourseCI, Conda, CONSUL, Dep, Docker, Great Expectations, Homebrew, Hubot, Jekyll, Packer, pandas, Terraform, TravisCI, and Vagrant.
- start_date
- 2010-09
- end_date
- hours
- 8
- organization
- American Express Publishing
- url
- title
- Web Developer (Contract)
- description
- Contractor building content management tools for FoodAndWine.com, as well as promotional micro sites for advertising partners.
- start_date
- 2010-08
- end_date
- 2011-01
- hours
- 40
- employees
- 200
- skills
- Git
- GitHub
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- Sinatra
- teaching
- organization
- Columbia University
- url
- https://www.columbia.edu/
- title
- Lecturer
- description
- start_date
- 2022-11
- end_date
- hours
- 9
- employees
- 4370
- skills
- Git
- GitHub
- Python
- public speaking
- teaching
- responsibilities
- group
- School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA)
- title
- Python for Public Policy
- description
- Introduces students with little to no programming experience to software development and data analysis though code. Covers the basics of command line, Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Pandas, and data visualization by working with open data.
- url
- https://python-public-policy.afeld.me/en/columbia/
- group
- School of Professional Studies (SPS)
- title
- Operations Management in IT
- description
- An introduction to technology for business people, also known as "Technology Foundations". This is a survey course, providing a holistic introduction to tools, roles, and processes of technology and technology organizations.
- url
- https://courseworks2.columbia.edu/courses/198128
- organization
- The New School
- url
- https://opencampus.newschool.edu/program/certificate-programs/art-design-with-parsons/web-design-and-development
- title
- Adjunct Faculty
- description
- Developed a class on Working with APIs and AJAX for the Open Campus Web Design and Development certificate.
- start_date
- 2020-03
- end_date
- 2020-10
- hours
- 4
- employees
- 1000
- skills
- JavaScript
- public speaking
- teaching
- organization
- Cornell Tech
- url
- https://www.tech.cornell.edu/
- title
- Adjunct Faculty
- description
- Taught the Startup Systems course, which covered web development from HTML to APIs to servers. The class covered the basics of JavaScript, Python, Terraform, Ansible, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) for students with a broad range of experience levels.
- start_date
- 2016-08
- end_date
- 2016-12
- hours
- 20
- employees
- 10000
- organization
- EmpireConf
- url
- http://empireconf.org/
- title
- Organizer
- description
- One of the organizers for the annual EmpireNode/EmpireJS/EmpireConf JavaScript conferences.
- start_date
- 2015-01
- end_date
- 2018-09
- hours
- 1
- skills
- community organizing
- public speaking
- teaching
- organization
- New York University (NYU)
- url
- http://www.nyu.edu/
- title
- Adjunct Assistant Professor
- description
- start_date
- 2012-06
- end_date
- hours
- 5
- employees
- 19000
- skills
- Git
- GitHub
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- Python
- public speaking
- teaching
- responsibilities
- group
- School of Professional Studies (SPS)
- title
- Advanced JavaScript
- description
- After redesigning the curriculum, taught the Advanced JavaScript course for twelve consecutive semesters, helped students gain an in-depth understanding of the language while teaching best practices for modern front-end development. The course material, which is fully available to the public online, became the showcase class for GitHub's Education program.
- url
- https://advanced-js.github.io/syllabus/
- group
- Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP)
- title
- Building for Learning
- description
- Created and taught an interdisciplinary graduate-level course around building interactive educational tools, while also covering front-end web development. In addition to rapid prototyping of physical and digital learning materials, also brought in experts from the educational technology to give students an understanding of taking projects from concept to product.
- url
- https://github.com/bfl-itp/syllabus
- group
- Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
- title
- Python Coding for Public Policy
- description
- (See same course at Columbia University)
- url
- https://python-public-policy.afeld.me/en/nyu/
- group
- Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
- title
- Big Data Analytics for Public Policy
- description
- This class gets students to apply new techniques to analyze social problems using and combining large quantities of heterogeneous data from a variety of different sources, through machine learning, data mining, and data science.
- url
- https://wagner.nyu.edu/education/courses/advanced-data-analytics-and-evidence-building
- organization
- City University of New York (CUNY)
- url
- https://github.com/cuny-nytech/syllabus
- title
- Instructor
- description
- Designed curriculum and was lead instructor for the NYTech program, which helped seniors and graduate students build practical skills necessary for joining startups based in New York City, such as version control, web development, and resume writing. The culminating project was a class-wide collaboration to build a new site for a non-profit.
- start_date
- 2014-09
- end_date
- 2015-05
- hours
- 5
- employees
- 43000
- skills
- Git
- GitHub
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- PostgreSQL
- public speaking
- Ruby on Rails
- Ruby
- teaching
- organization
- General Assembly
- url
- https://generalassemb.ly
- title
- Instructor
- description
- Taught JavaScript as part of the Front-End + Rails curriculum at this school for digital skills.
- start_date
- 2013-02
- end_date
- 2013-03
- hours
- 8
- employees
- 3200
- skills
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- public speaking
- teaching
- organization
- Hacker Hours
- url
- http://hackerhours.org
- title
- Founder
- description
- Created a meetup group to provide mentorship for individuals learning to code, which reached over 8,000 members across seven states.
- start_date
- 2011-09
- end_date
- 2021-09-30
- hours
- 4
- skills
- community organizing
- Git
- GitHub
- JavaScript
- Jekyll
- jQuery
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- Ruby on Rails
- Ruby
- teaching
- dance
- organization
- Dance Entropy
- director
- url
- https://www.danceentropy.org/
- start_date
- 2021-11
- end_date
- organization
- Barkin/Selissen Project
- director
- Kyla Barkin
- Aaron Selissen
- url
- http://www.barkinselissenproject.com
- start_date
- 2014-03
- end_date
- 2014-11
- organization
- danceTactics Performance Group
- director
- Keith Thompson
- url
- http://dancetactics.org
- start_date
- 2012-05
- end_date
- organization
- Artichoke Dance Company
- director
- Lynn Neuman
- url
- http://artichokedance.org
- start_date
- 2010-10
- end_date
- organization
- Chavasse Dance & Performance
- director
- Amy Chavasse
- url
- http://chavassedanceandperformance.com
- start_date
- 2010-06
- end_date
- 2015-06
- profiles
- artsy
- username
- aidanfeldman
- profile_url
- http://artsy.net/aidanfeldman/favorites
- facebook
- username
- aidan.feldman
- profile_url
- https://facebook.com/aidan.feldman
- foursquare
- username
- aidanfeldman
- profile_url
- https://foursquare.com/aidanfeldman
- github
- username
- afeld
- profile_url
- https://github.com/afeld
- instagram
- username
- aidanfeldman
- profile_url
- http://instagram.com/aidanfeldman
- keybase
- username
- afeld
- profile_url
- https://keybase.io/afeld
- medium
- username
- aidanfeldman
- profile_url
- https://medium.com/@aidanfeldman
- meetup
- username
- 8818215
- profile_url
- http://www.meetup.com/members/8818215/
- speakerdeck
- username
- aidanfeldman
- profile_url
- https://speakerdeck.com/aidanfeldman
- stack_overflow
- username
- 358804
- profile_url
- http://stackoverflow.com/users/358804/aidan-feldman
- twitter
- username
- aidanfeldman
- profile_url
- https://twitter.com/aidanfeldman
- vimeo
- username
- aidanfeldman
- profile_url
- https://vimeo.com/aidanfeldman
- youtube
- username
- alfgames
- profile_url
- http://www.youtube.com/user/alfgames
- talks
- title
- Web Development and Infrastructure
- event
- Open Source and Professional Software Development class at NYU
- date
- 2024-03-13
- url
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14NDYTZvQg3uoKbpo1IlaA6Jht_Uzm_4qV1ccTd0WVOM/edit
- title
- Jupyter[Hub]
- event
- NYU Coding Instruction Innovation Fest
- date
- 2023-11-03
- url
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/196tNJ4ON97CxlgWPqIranSiDRSIOSbDxQ6Z1MrMDbTo/edit
- title
- Data Cleaning Techniques
- event
- NYC Open Data Week
- date
- 2022-03-09
- url
- https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0ceRF6Dirs__xvOV2mrP0NYBw#Data_Cleaning_Techniques
- title
- Surprised at the Science Conference
- event
- Ask a Biologist podcast
- date
- 2022-02-09
- url
- https://askabiologist.asu.edu/listen-watch/science-conference-surprise
- title
- The One with the TTS Technology Director
- event
- The Government Huddle podcast
- date
- 2021-07-15
- url
- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-one-with-the-tts-technology-director/id1506796636?i=1000528988337
- title
- Human-Centered DevSecOps
- event
- Public Sector Network: DevSecOps
- date
- 2021-07-14
- url
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wIvXfhWpx0
- title
- pandas Crash Course
- event
- 18F Tech Talks
- date
- 2020-12-16
- url
- https://colab.research.google.com/github/afeld/python-public-policy/blob/main/extras/pandas_crash_course.ipynb
- title
- Human-Centered DevOps
- event
- DevOpsDC
- date
- 2020-04-14
- url
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wIvXfhWpx0
- title
- The Future of Civic Tech
- event
- School of Data NYC
- date
- 2020-03-07
- url
- https://livestream.com/internetsociety/nycsodata301/videos/202714494
- title
- Continuous Delivery workshop
- event
- DevOps & Agile Digital Transformation for Government conference (Australia)
- date
- 2019-11-26
- url
- https://github.com/afeld/delivery#readme
- title
- Open Source Maintenance
- event
- Open Source NYC
- date
- 2019-02-20
- url
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1u_fHwM0LN8WpIqd2HOlqi0EGPBmlV6ZK0EJrkTroTGM/edit
- title
- Love and Agony: Containers in Government
- event
- Docker Government Symposium
- date
- 2018-04-11
- url
- https://speakerdeck.com/aidanfeldman/love-and-agony-containers-in-government
- title
- Achieving ATO: Ongoing Authorization & Containers
- event
- Red Hat Government Symposium
- date
- 2017-11-09
- url
- https://www.fedscoop.com/events/redhatgov/2017/agenda/
- title
- Automation Tools for Risk Management
- event
- NIST Risk Management Framework Workshop
- date
- 2017-10-03
- url
- https://csrc.nist.gov/Events/2017/NIST-Risk-Management-Framework-Workshop
- title
- Getting Started Contributing to Open Source
- event
- Dev Bootcamp
- date
- 2016-10-25
- url
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzlpCwsNLas
- title
- OpenControl Demo & Quickstart
- event
- OpenControl Symposium
- date
- 2016-10-20
- url
- http://open-control.org/event2016/#opencontrol-demo-quickstart
- title
- 18F and OSS in the U.S. Federal Government
- event
- The Changelog podcast
- date
- 2016-11-25
- url
- https://changelog.com/podcast/230
- title
- cloud.gov and the new marriage of policy and technology in government
- event
- Rewiring Government podcast
- date
- 2016-09-14
- url
- https://podtail.com/en/podcast/dobt-s-rewiring-government/episode-4-aidan-feldman/
- title
- Search for Static Sites
- event
- The New Dynamic meetup
- date
- 2016-08-04
- url
- https://www.jamstack.nyc/video/search-for-static-sites/
- title
- Learning Teaching
- date
- 2016-08-02
- url
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1owZ4sfp_qpy2L_23BPBeM8YEmZxeddSJBFgLDJLponM/edit
- title
- Everything I Think I Understand About IT Compliance
- event
- DigitalGov
- date
- 2016-07-25
- url
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Nc4GXPxpQg
- title
- cloud.gov with Aidan Feldman
- event
- Software Engineering Daily podcast
- date
- 2016-06-26
- url
- https://softwareengineeringdaily.com/2016/06/26/cloud-gov-with-aidan-feldman/
- title
- DevOps at Large: Modernizing apps and infrastructure in the federal government
- event
- O'Reilly OSCON
- date
- 2016-05-18
- url
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2Drua-AEBg
- title
- Dance, for the Unitiated
- date
- 2016-03-14
- url
- https://slides.com/afeld/dance/
- title
- How to Build Platforms and Influence People
- date
- 2016-03-01
- url
- https://gist.github.com/afeld/42e65d2b83786eabde1b
- title
- 18F on the Mozilla Science Lab Project Call
- date
- 2016-02-25
- url
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBQrIDZKMK8
- title
- Dabbling in Docker
- date
- 2016-01-25
- url
- https://speakerdeck.com/aidanfeldman/dabbling-in-docker
- title
- E Pluribus Unum: Building better software in the US government
- event
- Pivotal New York Tech Talks meetup
- date
- 2015-07-14
- url
- http://original.livestream.com/pivotallabs/video?clipId=pla_46c12eee-de95-410a-bcb5-54918f7edfae
- title
- Open by Default
- event
- Thoughtbot's Giant Robots podcast
- date
- 2015-06-15
- url
- http://giantrobots.fm/151
- title
- Interview about Hacker Hours
- event
- CodeNewbie Podcast
- date
- 2015-06-01
- url
- https://www.codenewbie.org/podcast/hacker-hours
- title
- Git, Graphically
- date
- 2015-05-18
- url
- https://speakerdeck.com/aidanfeldman/git-graphically
- title
- Introduction to Promises in JavaScript
- date
- 2015-04-28
- url
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeQYjpckudA
- title
- Running Our Own Heroku
- date
- 2015-03-24
- url
- https://gist.github.com/afeld/0500a73578bc29906e7c
- title
- Magickly, Mustachio, & Stateless APIs
- event
- Code Genius meetup
- date
- 2015-02-26
- url
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3VdlBDCJSA
- title
- Intro to Backbone Unit Testing
- event
- New York JavaScript meetup
- date
- 2014-10-30
- url
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaq_mirZ0UA
- title
- How GitHub Does Collaboration
- event
- Campus Party Brazil keynote
- date
- 2013-11-20
- url
- https://github.com/afeld/gh_collab
- title
- Git & GitHub, Up & Running
- event
- Campus Party Brazil workshop
- date
- 2013-10-22
- url
- https://gist.github.com/afeld/7096908
- title
- Education the GitHub Way
- date
- 2013-10-12
- url
- https://github.com/afeld/edu_the_gh_way
- title
- JavaScript: the little language everyone loves to hate
- date
- 2013-09-30
- url
- https://github.com/afeld/js-overview
- title
- Getting Serious (with Front-End JavaScript)
- date
- 2013-07-08
- url
- http://afeld.github.io/getting_serious/slides/
- title
- Test to Learn
- event
- Flatiron School guest lecture
- date
- 2013-06-20
- url
- http://afeld.github.io/test_to_learn/
- title
- Web Development Basics (Git, MAMP, Wordpress and FTP)
- date
- 2013-05-13
- url
- https://github.com/afeld/web_dev_basics
- title
- MongoDB + Ruby Workshop
- date
- 2013-03-27
- url
- https://github.com/afeld/mongo_ruby_workshop
- title
- Hackathon Workshop
- date
- 2013-03-26
- url
- https://github.com/afeld/hackathon_workshop/wiki
- title
- Introduction to Backbone.js
- date
- 2013-03-11
- url
- https://github.com/afeld/intro_to_backbone
- title
- Single-Page App Architecture
- date
- 2013-03-07
- url
- https://github.com/afeld/spaa
- title
- Ruby
- event
- Seven Languages in Seven Months meetup
- date
- 2012-10-24
- url
- https://gist.github.com/afeld/3944262
- title
- What Developers Want
- description
- Talk and panelist on how to make APIs developer-friendly. I did a slow jam.
- event
- Business of APIs Conference
- date
- 2012-10-17
- url
- http://afeld.me/nerdery/816975
- title
- Junior Developer panel
- description
- Organizer and moderator of panel on how to get your first job as a programmer.
- event
- NYC on Rails meetup
- date
- 2012-09-19
- url
- http://afeld.me/nerdery/522101
- title
- Learn2Code
- event
- Hacking for Hustlers meetup
- date
- 2011-11-14
- url
- http://afeld.me/nerdery/38274
- title
- Animation with HTML5: An Overview
- description
- A lightning talk about ways to do animation in HTML5 and CSS3.
- date
- 2010-12-30
- url
- https://www.scribd.com/doc/46086316/animation-with-html5-an-overview
- title
- Plano Real: How Fake Money Saved Brazil
- description
- A lightning talk about Plano Real, a plan which stabilized the Brazilian economy in the mid-1990's.
- date
- 2010-12-30
- url
- https://www.scribd.com/doc/46086444/plano-real-how-fake-money-saved-brazil
- title
- Ruby Fibers
- description
- A lightning talk about Ruby Fibers, a feature added in v1.9 that adds "green thread" support.
- date
- 2010-12-30
- url
- https://www.scribd.com/presentation/46086446/Ruby-Fibers
- title
- Firesheep!
- description
- A lightning talk about Firesheep, a Firefox plugin for doing "sidejacking" (a.k.a. breaking into other people's accounts).
- date
- 2010-12-30
- url
- https://www.scribd.com/doc/46086447/firesheep
- writeups
- title
- What are the pros and cons of working in civic tech
- publisher
- CodeNewbie
- date
- 2020-03-02
- url
- https://www.codenewbie.org/podcast/what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-working-in-civic-tech
- title
- Champions of Digital Transformation
- publisher
- FedScoop
- date
- 2019-11-05
- url
- https://www.fedscoop.com/champions-of-digital-transformation/aidan-feldman/#video
- title
- Decoding DevOps
- publisher
- Criterion Conferences
- date
- 2019-10-01
- url
- https://www.criterionconferences.com/blog/government/decoding-devops-aidan-feldman/
- title
- Dancing in Bodega Bags? These Artist-Activists Call It Trashion
- publisher
- Bedford + Bowery
- date
- 2019-06-17
- url
- https://bedfordandbowery.com/2019/06/dancing-in-bodega-bags-these-artist-activists-call-it-trashion/
- title
- Census Thinks a Clippy-Style AI Assistant Could Speed Up Security Authorizations
- publisher
- Nextgov
- date
- 2019-05-29
- url
- https://www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2019/05/census-thinks-clippy-style-ai-assistant-could-speed-security-authorizations/157339/
- title
- College students make musical instruments from trash in the L.A. River
- publisher
- L.A. Times
- date
- 2019-04-05
- url
- https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/la-et-cm-future-currents-la-river-20190405-story.html
- title
- Census Bureau Boosts Cybersecurity Efforts Ahead of 2020 Count
- publisher
- FedTech Magazine
- date
- 2019-04-02
- url
- https://fedtechmagazine.com/article/2019/03/census-bureau-boosts-cybersecurity-efforts-ahead-2020-count
- title
- Mobilizing Tech Talent
- publisher
- Partnership for Public Service
- date
- 2018-09-28
- url
- https://ourpublicservice.org/publications/mobilizing-tech-talent/
- title
- GSA's Thomas pushing IT modernization from his front-row seat
- publisher
- Federal News Network
- date
- 2018-09-20
- url
- https://federalnewsnetwork.com/ask-the-cio/2018/09/gsas-thomas-pushing-it-modernization-from-his-front-row-seat/
- title
- 18F slices ATO times to from 6 months to 30 days
- publisher
- FedScoop
- date
- 2018-08-13
- url
- https://www.fedscoop.com/18f-slices-ato-times-6-months-30-days/
- title
- GSA, NGA shrink time to cyber-approve systems from year to month
- publisher
- Federal News Radio
- date
- 2018-08-06
- url
- https://federalnewsradio.com/reporters-notebook-jason-miller/2018/08/gsa-nga-shrink-time-to-cyber-approve-systems-from-year-to-month/
- title
- 18F working to overhaul the ATO process
- publisher
- FedScoop
- date
- 2017-07-28
- url
- https://www.fedscoop.com/18f-working-plan-overhaul-ato-process/
- title
- How To Build A Mustached Message Service With Twilio MMS And Python
- publisher
- Twilio blog
- date
- 2014-09-18
- url
- https://www.twilio.com/blog/2014/09/how-to-build-a-mustached-message-service-with-twilio-mms-and-python.html
- title
- Here Are the Most and Least Popular Citi Bike Stations in New York City
- publisher
- Nerve
- date
- 2014-06-19
- url
- https://web.archive.org/web/20151027110119/http://www.nerve.com/infographics/most-popular-least-popular-citibike-stations-new-york-city
- title
- Campus Party: Hacker do GitHub explica crescimento da 'rede social' de desenvolvedores
- publisher
- Exame
- date
- 2014-01-31
- url
- https://exame.abril.com.br/tecnologia/campus-party-hacker-do-github-explica-crescimento-da-rede-social-de-desenvolvedores/
- title
- Já estamos no quarto e penúltimo dia de conteúdos da Campus Party Brasil 2014!
- publisher
- Campus Party blog
- date
- 2014-01-31
- url
- http://blog.campus-party.com.br/post/75170721637/j%C3%A1-estamos-no-quarto-e-pen%C3%BAltimo-dia-de-conte%C3%BAdos
- title
- The Man of the (Hacker) Hour
- publisher
- Gilt Tech blog
- date
- 2013-08-22
- url
- http://tech.gilt.com/post/59016326319/the-man-of-the-hacker-hour/
- title
- Hacker Hours with Aidan Feldman
- publisher
- Desmond Rawls blog
- date
- 2013-08-10
- url
- https://web.archive.org/web/20150204160224/http://desmondrawls.com/2013/08/10/hacker-hours-with-aidan-feldman/
- title
- Hacker Hours: The awesome grassroots meetup that teaches New Yorkers to code
- publisher
- The Next Web
- date
- 2012-05-14
- url
- https://thenextweb.com/dd/2012/05/14/hacker-hours-the-awesome-grassroots-meetup-that-teaches-new-yorkers-to-code/
- title
- Nerds Ditch Grammys for New York's First Music Hackday
- publisher
- TechCrunch
- date
- 2011-02-14
- url
- https://techcrunch.com/2011/02/14/music-hackday/
- writing
- title
- You Should Switch to Signal. Here's Why.
- type
- blog
- publisher
- self
- date
- 2022-06-04
- url
- https://personal-security.afeld.me/why-signal
- title
- TTS Bug Bounty Program: 3 Year Review
- type
- blog
- publisher
- digital.gov
- date
- 2020-12-14
- url
- https://digital.gov/2020/12/14/tts-bug-bounty-program-3-year-review/
- title
- Cloud is not a virtue
- type
- blog
- publisher
- 18F
- date
- 2019-02-07
- url
- https://18f.gsa.gov/2019/02/07/the-cloud-is-not-a-virtue/
- title
- Keeping an Eye on Your Systems
- type
- blog
- publisher
- NYC Planning Labs
- date
- 2018-11-20
- url
- https://medium.com/nycplanninglabs/keeping-an-eye-on-your-systems-97332d689044
- title
- DevOps and Security on a Small Team
- type
- blog
- publisher
- NYC Planning Labs
- date
- 2018-11-20
- url
- https://medium.com/nycplanninglabs/devops-and-security-on-a-small-team-8709cfc5b0aa
- title
- I joined the Census Bureau!
- type
- blog
- publisher
- self
- date
- 2018-09-07
- url
- https://medium.com/@aidanfeldman/i-joined-the-census-bureau-983f8a9ce135
- title
- Shared infrastructure as code
- type
- blog
- publisher
- 18F
- date
- 2018-08-15
- url
- https://18f.gsa.gov/2018/08/15/shared-infrastructure-as-code/
- title
- Taking the ATO process from 6 months to 30 days
- type
- blog
- publisher
- 18F
- date
- 2018-07-19
- url
- https://18f.gsa.gov/2018/07/19/taking-the-ato-process-from-6-months-to-30-days/
- title
- Open Source for New York City
- type
- testimony
- publisher
- self
- date
- 2016-02-24
- url
- https://medium.com/@aidanfeldman/open-source-for-new-york-city-3c23e75cb43
- title
- What is jQuery?
- type
- blog
- publisher
- One Month
- date
- 2015-09-17
- url
- https://web.archive.org/web/20170508052915/http://learn.onemonth.com:80/what-is-jquery
- title
- How To Welcome New Coders To A Civic Hackathon
- type
- blog
- publisher
- 18F Blog
- date
- 2015-04-03
- url
- https://18f.gsa.gov/2015/04/03/how-to-welcome-new-coders-to-a-civic-hackathon/
- title
- Learn Ruby on Rails as You Modify a Craigslist Clone
- type
- tutorial
- publisher
- Thinkful
- date
- 2014-10-24
- url
- https://www.thinkful.com/learn/ruby-on-rails-tutorial/
- title
- Advanced JS class information for teachers
- type
- blog
- publisher
- self
- date
- 2014-06-26
- url
- https://github.com/advanced-js/syllabus/blob/gh-pages/meta.md
- title
- GitHub Classroom Guide
- type
- tutorial
- publisher
- GitHub
- date
- 2014-02-10
- url
- https://web.archive.org/web/20160410051011/https://education.github.com/guide
- title
- Developing a Backbone.js Edge
- type
- book
- publisher
- Backstop Media
- date
- 2013-04-10
- url
- https://bleedingedgepress.com/backbone-js/
- title
- Hacker Hours: The awesome grassroots meetup that teaches New Yorkers to code
- type
- interview
- publisher
- The Next Web
- date
- 2012-05-14
- url
- http://thenextweb.com/dd/2012/05/14/hacker-hours-the-awesome-grassroots-meetup-that-teaches-new-yorkers-to-code
- title
- Hacker Olympics, the Un-Hackathon
- type
- blog
- publisher
- Twilio
- date
- 2012-03-15
- url
- https://www.twilio.com/blog/2012/03/hacker-olympics-the-un-hackathon-guest-post-by-aidan-feldman.html